The Art of Seasoning

Seasoning to taste and trying out new ideas is a good thing. Let your ideas run away with you when it comes to seasoning. There are a couple of rules you should follow, though:

- Garden herbs like parsley, chives and dill can be used generously but should be added shortly before the food is cooked.

- Some herbs, like mugwort, summer savoury, marjoram, lovage and rosemary develop their flavour when they are simmered. They should be dosed carefully.

- Spices are usually added from the very beginning of food preparation.

- Don’t fry spices like paprika, curry, garlic and chillies in oil
which is too hot as they can go a dark colour and taste bitter. It is better to steam them so that their full aroma can develop freely.

While cooking make sure that the bag, tin or glass containing the spices is not held directly above the cooking pot as moisture causes ground spices to cake and lose quality making it difficult to sprinkle, and more difficult to put in the correct amount.